
Healthcare Career Portal Design


Work Produced at: Avamere Family of Companies, Marketing & Communications Department

Services: Identity system, web design, iconography

Web Development: Brian Mann, Doug Donaldson

Web Design & Identity: Kait Carr

Copywriting: Meg Hodson, Shaelynn Miller

Objective: Create an Avamere Family of Companies branded website that is easy for users to navigate, specifically when searching for a job at Avamere.

Users need to have access to resources about potential career paths, easily connect with a recruiter, and get a sense of Avamere’s work culture.


There was a lot of information that needed to be organized on Avamere’s new career portal. I created an in-depth wireframe that details the site layout, intended functionality, and content limits.

I asked the team to review the wireframe to make sure the user flow made sense to everyone and that the overall needs were met, like enough space for video, a prominent display of available positions, etc.


Brand-forward Recruiting

Avamere aims for a work culture that is centered around community care & camaraderie, the goal was to make those two things really shine on the career portal.

Some stock was used, but the majority of photos on the site were submitted by employees over the years. Having photos of real employees, showing genuine love for the work they do, was a straightforward way for us to demonstrate what it’s like to work at Avamere. Employee testimonials spoke to employee experiences even further.


Color Palette


